Our Services

Community Nursing

Our nursing and support staff are fully trained and capable to provide quality nursing care to our clients. All our staff are screened to national standards. We provide nursing services like medication administration (both oral and via injection), diabetes management, catheter insertion and management, bowel care including stoma bag change, NG tube insertion, management and feeding, tracheostomy management and severe dysphagia management.

Daily Support

We support our clients in their day to day lives. Our services are quality controlled and evaluated so that we know if our clients are actually achieving their desired goals and reaching their milestones.

Household tasks

Our staff have life experiences and help our clients in their household tasks like cleaning, washing, drying, cooking food etc. We risk assess all activities which we do for our clients and all the help we provide. We do this to make all these tasks very safe and secure. We have also trained our staff to assess risk while providing service and update any new risks and hazards.

Life Skills Development

NDIS funds participants to attain an ordinary lifestyle just as anyone else would have. It is important for the support plan to include activities which help clients develop their skills to live an independent life or at least less dependent life. We work closely with plan coordinators and plan managers to support clients to assist them in their journey to develop these life skills.

Transition Life Stages

Change is the only constant in this world. We go through transitions in our lives, so does our clients. We support our clients with much needed specialised support during these times. These support services are in line with the care/support plan made by the support coordinators/plan managers. We continuously keep assessing our care and support which includes engaging our clients and asking them if they are actually feeling any difference. This helps us do better each day. We are performance driven. We have performance indicators in place. 

Community Participation

We organise group activities like beach walks, hikes, museum visits, group games for our clients. We assess all these activities to make sure we align with quality and risk management requirements from NDIS as well as we utterly care for our lovely clients. We also make sure our clients are comfortable enough as well as meet their goals by attending to these activities.


Respite/Short term accommodation

We organise group activities like beach walks, hikes, museum visits, group games for our clients. We assess all these activities to make sure we align with quality and risk management requirements from NDIS as well as we utterly care for our lovely clients. We also make sure our clients are comfortable enough as well as meet their goals by attending to these activities.