Community Nursing

Medication Management

Our staff understand the importance of 7 rights to medication administration. We know that a missed check can actually be the source of grave danger. Medication incidents are prevalent in healthcare but their rate should go down to lower the risk of adverse effects due to these and to enhance client’s trust in our services. We have trained and finely assessed our staff who are regularly re-assessed to keep their knowledge base current. Our support workers are trained to administer medications via webster packs, eye drops, creams etc. They escalate any unusual observations and incidents to the management in form of written reports. These are acted upon swiftly, keeping in mind NDIS practice standards.

Diabetes Management

Our staff are well trained in attending to client who have diabetes or pre-diabetes. We make sure that our clients have the diabetes management plan created by the medical officer after assessing and evaluating our clients medical history, medical reports and diet history. This document is the basis to keep our client’s blood glucose levels in check. GPs may prescribe different modalities like diet management, oral hypoglycemics or insulin to control BGL or blood glucose levels. Our staff are trained in checking BGL. They are also trained in administering any medication which is prescribed by GP. They are trained in courses which certifies them to undertake medication administration. 

Catheter Management

At Sensible Health Pty Ltd, we have trained and experienced nursing staff to insert a urinary catheter if ordered by a Medical Officer. IN case a participant has a catheter inserted by the medical officer, it can be managed well in community by either a nurse or a trained support worker. We train and assess our staff fully to equip them with best skills. We also equip them with knowledge to either fix any complications or escalate to the team leader or manager so that they can be dealt with. Click here to see our resources on catheter management.

Bowel Management

Our clients may have many physical issues such as issues with their bowels. They may open their bowels too frequently or not at all for days. We make sure that we develop a bowel management plan along with the medical officer and their recommendations. Our staff are well trained to observe and chart any bowel motions and describe them. They are trained to attend to any bowel emergency along with administering any PRN medication to alleviate any discomforting symptoms. Some of our clients may have artificial surgical opening or a STOMA for stool/faeces. Our staff are trained in managing a stoma as well.

Tracheostomy Management


A tracheostomy is usually done for one of three reasons: to bypass an obstructed upper airway; to clean and remove secretions from the airway; to more easily, and usually more safely, deliver oxygen to the lungs. At Sensible Health, our trained nurses and support workers can safely manage a tracheostomy by cleaning the tube and passage of the sputum and making sure that it is patent and our clients with tracheostomy more comfortable and contented. 

Severe Dysphagia Management

Dysphagia is difficulty in swallowing. Here in Sensible Health, we train our staff in identifying the signs and symptoms of dysphagia in our clients. If our clients are struggling with difficulty in swallowing food and fluids, we make sure to update it on their plan and progress notes and escalate it to the plan coordinator so that an appointment can be made with GP who can further create a referral to the speech pathologist who can assess and diagnose the exact condition. They can also create a treatment and management plan including further referral to the dietitian, if required. Our staff are trained in adhering to the dysphagia management plan and escalating any incident or emergency surrounding dysphagia.

Enteral Feeding/PEG Feeding

Staff at Sensible Health who work along with clients on enteral feeding including Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy/PEG are aptly trained and assessed to provide quality care when it comes to enteral feeding. Staff are obliged to follow the directives from medical officer which includes type of enteral formula, quantity to be delivered, duration of delivery, any complications which may arise and their solutions. 

We may be a new company but we have a very experienced staff with variety of skills in disability support and nursing care. We deal with clients from all walks of life including ones with medical and surgical issues, learning disabilities, aged care, mental health diagnoses etc. All our staff are screened, trained and assessed to provide a quality, person-centred care. Our staff are dedicated to work with our clients to help them achieve their short and long term goals. Respect and dignity are the foundation of our work.

Person centred care

Quality control

Respect and dignity

Dedicated Staff